Division Rules: Learn Divisor, Dividend, Quotient and Remainder
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Before we go ahead to learn how the division problems are solved, let’s learn about its components.
What is Dividend?
The number we divide is known as Divided.
40 ÷ 8 = 5 —> 40 is the Dividend here.
What is Divisor?
The number by which you have to divide another number is called Divisor
34 ÷ 2 = 17 —> 2 is the Divisor here.
What is Quotient?
The Quotient is the answer to the Division. You can also call it the result.
21 ÷ 3 = 7 —> 7 is the Quotient here.
What is Remainder?
The Remainder is the number that is leftover after the division (means you cannot divide further). The Remainder will always be less than the Divisor.
68 ÷ 13 = 5 Remainder-3 —> 5 is the Quotient and 3 is the Remainder.
Let’s have a look at the image below to understand quickly.
What are Divisor, Dividend, Quotient, and Remainder
Hope that clarifies. If you still have any doubt, feel free to comment at the bottom and ask your question.
Some Basic Rules You Should Know About Division
- Rule 1: You cannot divide a number by 0.
Example: 643 ÷ 0 —-> It’s not possible. The math itself is wrong.
- Rule 2: When Dividend is 0, the Quotient will always be 0. It doesn’t matter by which number it is divided.
0 ÷ 45 = 0
0 ÷ 553 = 0
- Rule 3: When Divisor is 1, the Quotient will always be equal to the Dividend.
321 ÷ 1 = 321
43 ÷ 1 = 43
- Rule 4: When Divisor and Dividend are equal, the Quotient will always be 1.
67 ÷ 67 = 1
985 ÷ 985 = 1
How to Solve Divisions? What are the Basics to Understand?
Solving division problems depend on how good your multiplication fact is. Here is a video that tells you how you can solve any Division Problems. Watch the video carefully and remember what you learn.